Fall in Love with Taking Care of Yourself


Fall in Love with Taking Care of Yourself

More On Our Founder, Jessica

After rounding out a fulfilling chapter in a different career, she decided to take a leap of faith and start her own beauty and wellness business—something she has always been passionate about. "I loved the idea of creating a business around helping others feel good and look beautiful so they feel confident in their own skin," said Jessica, who believes that self-confidence is a superpower. "Once you start to love and believe in yourself, magic happens! Your self-care is not selfish, nor should it be considered an expense; it’s an investment in your best self!"



Photos by, Erin Hiscott, my dear friend for over 24 years!!

 I'm so lucky to have a friend like her! Not only is

she remarkably talented but so loving and supportive.

Learn More About Our Equipment

Kaasen by TruCryo

This company makes the world’s most innovative and versatile cryo-aesthetics device. This unique equipment

has been developed and built by

experts in the UK to offer a large variety of treatments with just a single device.

Treatments are applied topically, the Kaasen device stimulates an optimal local response from the body to enhance the recovery of damaged tissue. Unlike nitrogen cryotherapy equipment, the Kaasen delivers cold vapor under pressure at the point of skin contact. This provides a therapeutic massage function in addition to the cooling function.


This "goddess-esque" mask and neck plate are forged in the beauty capital of the world Seoul. It has a vast array of 1080 high density powered LEDS which utilizes 7 colors which already puts the Artemis in an entire class of it's own.

The tech does not stop there though. It features the best in class app with complete customizable settings for all your trouble spots.

In addition to this, there are automatic settings which cater to your skin care needs and local weather.

Vital Red Light

This company makes the best red light therapy devices on the market. Unlike other brands, their devices are independently tested, medical grade, and third party verified. Their red light therapy devices use 5-watt LED, anti-flicker LED light technology to deliver the highest therapeutic power on the market. The competition, on the other hand, will routinely use 2-3 watt LEDs to cut costs, resulting in longer treatment times for users.

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